This website allows you to change your password.
Username / mail emlyon
Current password
New password
Confirm new password

Your password must:
  • Contain at least 12characters
  • Include at least 3 of the 4 complexity requirements (lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number, special character)
  • Accents (é,è,à...) and spaces are not allowed

You can only change your password once per day.

From february 2023, a security measure will prevent you from using compromised passwords appearing on the Internet; such a password will be rejected.

The minimal length for a password is 8 characters. The new password must be different from the last 5. Your password must:
  • Contain at least 12characters
  • Include at least 3 of the 4 complexity requirements (lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number, special character)
  • Accents (é,è,à...) and spaces are not allowed

You can only change your password once per day.

From february 2023, a security measure will prevent you from using compromised passwords appearing on the Internet; such a password will be rejected. Your password has been successfully changed.